Eight Solar PV Systems installed on 2 separate Multiplexes in Victoria, BC

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Streamline Renewables recently completed a large solar installation project in Victoria, BC. The project comprised of eight separate 4-panel systems, with four systems being installed on two separate multiplexes, for an overall total of 32 panels. This installation will generate renewable energy and reduce hydro costs for eight separate units!

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The installation team worked diligently to ensure that the panels were installed with precision and care. The system’s installed use high-quality materials and the latest technology, ensuring that the panels will function efficiently for years to come.

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At Streamline Renewables, we take pride in our ability to work with contractors to design and install solar PV systems on large home developments. Our team of experienced professionals has the expertise and knowledge to design custom solar installations that meet the unique needs of each project. We work closely with our clients to ensure that each system is tailored to their specific needs and budget, and we take care of all aspects of the installation process, from start to finish.

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We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality solar installations and exceptional customer service. Our goal is to help our clients save money on energy costs. We are excited to continue our work contractors, and look forward to helping more individual clients transition to solar energy in the future.

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If you are interested in receiving a quote, contact Streamline Renewables today!

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